
Have a question? We’d love to hear from you! Drop us a note and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Note that all spaces for the 2022 season, along with the waitlist, are full. Applications for 2023 will open in the spring.


123 Street Avenue, City Town, 99999

(123) 555-6789



You can set your address, phone number, email and site description in the settings tab.
Link to read me page with more information.



Shop owner interacting with customer

As we keep growing the event each year, we’re adding a new exciting opportunity: companies wanting to set up at the event can now apply for an exclusive promotional space at the event. Each weekend, one 10X20 tent located in the heart of the event and provided by the Holiday Pop-Ups will be available for a promotional partner!

Promotional spaces are $2,500 for the weekend (Friday-Saturday) and include:

  • A 10X20 tent in the heart of the event to be part of the event and interact with thousands of customers

  • Electricity and wifi

  • Inclusion in press releases

  • Your name on the website

  • Your name on a sign at the event

  • Free Top Shopper Passes

  • Social media shoutouts

Note the promotional space is not for retailers and vendors but for companies wanting to use the space as advertisement or to showcase products/services. You can reserve the promotional space for more than one weekend depending on availability. A discount for multiple weekends will be offered.